
Posts Tagged ‘SotA’

Ages ago I spoke of how WSG can be like a game of Soccer (or football for some of you).

Sometimes the best games are the 0/0 draws. Sure not from the honor perspective and I know that without the “right” mindset it’s nothing but a frustrating waste of 25 minutes of your life.

For me it’s an exhilarating match off between two evenly matched teams. Yes this might well include bots and AFKers, but whatever the case, you can’t get much more even than 0/0

I’ve never really thought of Strand of the Ancients in the same way. I much prefer the 6 or 13 minute game, where we knock over the attack on the relic in 3 minutes, but you know, some games change things.

While running a few SotAs with Tickk, we ended up against the 1st team that could hold us back. We were staring down the barrel of a 10 minute wash, but managed to touch the relic at the 9 minute, 26 second mark.

We’re screwed!

The 1st thought that crossed my mind was that if these Horde were good enough to hold us that long, they were good enough to achieve a 3 minute attack.

Sure enough they got off to a pretty good start, but to give my team credit, no one gave up. We stayed focused on the Demos, we CC’d and destroyed. We kept them of the graveyards for as long as possible.

Or Not!

Unbelievably we held them for the full 10 minutes, so yes, it was a win for us not a 10/10 draw, but this game stands out among many SotAs for the challenge, for my allies, for my enemies.

I can handle games like this, but then I have a different mindset to many in the battlegrounds.

Gnomer and Out!

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Are you feeling lucky punk?

I harangued an old guildy, Tickk, enough to drag him away from SWTOR for a couple of nights.

He hasn’t played in a while, his gear is just a little bit behind, so when the question of whether to random the BGs or enjoy the SotA weekend, we went with SotA.

One of the good things about SotA is that is more forgiving of less geared players. It’s less Player vs. Player, more Machine vs. Player (and Player vs. Machine).

The other thing is that 2 coordinating Frost Mages can cause a lot of havoc in SotA (more…)

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